Enhance your apartment application
Give the landlord peace of mind in advance
Secure your lead

Have the goCaution rental deposit confirmed in advance

Are you looking for an apartment and don't want to pay the rental deposit yourself or generally want to increase your chances when applying for an apartment? Then the pre-confirmation is right for you! With our guarantee promise, you can document to the future landlord in advance that you can provide a rental deposit.

One more plus point

Obtain free pre-confirmation in advance

Our guarantee commitment certifies that you have a positive credit rating. This makes it easier for the landlord to check your creditworthiness and enhances your application dossier, as you are immediately perceived as a solvent tenant.

Gewerbe Mietkaution Antrag

Register online

Fill in the online application form here and send us your personal details.

Gewerbemietkaution Antragsprüfung

Examination of the application

Once you have passed the exam, you will receive a certificate in PDF format.

Gewerbliche Mietkaution Zahlung

Apartment application

Enclose this document with your housing application and enhance your dossier. We'll keep our fingers crossed for you!

Mietkautionszertifikat Geschäftsräume

Have you received a housing commitment?

Just complete the application, pay the first annual premium and your landlord will receive the deposit certificate.

Reserve the rental deposit for three months

Start the process here. Once we have successfully checked your data, you will immediately receive a confirmation of approval for your rental deposit guarantee. As soon as you have found a suitable apartment, simply complete the application and your landlord will receive the deposit certificate within a few days.

Mietbürgschaft für Mieter
Zitat Kautionsbürgschaft
Free of charge and valid for three months.

With our pre-confirmation, you can show potential landlords in advance that you are able to provide a rental deposit guarantee. This will make you stand out from the crowd!

General information on pre-confirmation

We have compiled some important questions here to give you an overview of the advance confirmation for a rental deposit guarantee. We would be happy to advise you by phone, just give us a call!

What does the pre-confirmation cost?
The confirmation certificate for a rental deposit guarantee for residential purposes is free of charge and does not oblige you to enter into a contract with us.
A warm welcome!